AVID's Planners and GIS professionals have the tools in place to provide our clients assistance in locating and evaluating potential development sites.
Our Planners and GIS specialists collaborate to consolidate all of your specific data needs including but not limited to zoning, future land use, developable parcel acreage, site and environmental constraints, and economic patterns.
The result is a streamlined package which allows you to locate and select the optimal site for your project.
Once you’ve selected a site, AVID has the multidisciplinary expertise to meet your detailed due diligence and conceptual site planning, design, and permitting needs.
Our Geographic Information System (GIS) services include:
Development of Regional Impacts
Future Land Use/Zoning
Customized Specialty Packages
Drainage/FEMA Maps (FIRM and DFIRM)
Demographic and Economic Data Soils
Wetlands/Listed Species